

Being 'In the Conversation'

One Meaningful Conversation

You cannot beat being 'in the conversation' with your people. It takes focus and awareness. then to take the opportunity.

Because you can. Because it makes the difference.

  • To the culture
  • To wellbeing
  • To retention
  • To relationships
  • To awareness

Why wouldn’t you?

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The Value of Radical Candor in Feedback

Radical Candor

Feedback is such a gift when given with the interests of the individual in mind.

Kind leaders face into the challenges of giving clear feedback, because the individual will grow from it.

It might not be easy, and yet that leader might be the first one to tell the person, so the gift may well be very valuable indeed.

However, a word of warning. I was once told 'you need to leave this company' by someone I did not trust or respect, so I railed against this 'advice'.

He was right, and later I d…

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3 Early Warning Signs Your Culture is Going Wrong


And you need to act fast to turn it around.

Here's the clues (solutions to follow).

😡 You are struggling to hang on to your best people.

😡 The people you have are reactive, rather than proactive.

😡 You are working the tasks, rather as a leader.

There are solutions to these issues, which are demonstrating the signs of a weakening culture, which is the start of a very rocky road.

Let's take a look. . .

👏 Become fully aware of what's going on.
➡ Acknowledge that responsibility lies with you.
👏 Ask curiosity…

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Kind Leaders Help Everyone

blue brick

Leadership is not about taking the easy route. It's about being aware of what to do for the best.

Help the quiet ones; the different ones; the thinkers; the excited ones.

The best leaders know how to get the best from everyone in the team, even when they aren't the same as them. That creates a foundation with depth.

#difference #leadership #TheKindLeader #appreciation #understanding #valuing

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Leadership isn't Fixing, but Supporting

This video says a lot about leadership.

Encouraging from the sidelines. Letting them learn and grow without criticism. Kindness can be tough, and yet is worth it for them. Moving forward together.

I love the metaphor, Victoria Toumit! Thanks for enlightening my Saturday!

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There's Always Change

change boots

New walking boots. I walk quite regularly, so getting new boots is a bit of a worry (keeping life in context, only a BIT of a worry).

We absorb small changes into our lives every day. At first, new boots feel a bit odd as I make sure they’ll do the job. And soon I’ll forget they’re new.

If you think about it, we absorb change all the time. Even those big changes are not so daunting, looking back.

When we take control and get perspective over changes, even those imposed on us, we feel all the bett…

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You Control Your Team Microculture

Even when your organisational culture is less than kind, supportive and encouraging, you can set your own standards and create your team microculture within an unsatisfactory world.

It might not be easy. It might require some careful navigation. And when you do this, you will remain in control of what you can control. Your people will be engaged, motivated and appreciate what they can control too - a valuable lesson for their future career.

You have to deliver the 'what' of results in this world s…

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Having Fun - Kind Leaders Make it Happen

“People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.” (Dale Carnegie)

The best leaders realise that they have the opportunity to help create a culture of fun - as well as everything else a great team needs to perform.

It's an attitude. It's a confidence.

And it's a will to do all that's necessary to make the place the best place to be at.

#TheKindLeader #kindness #success #fun #leadership #supportive#inspirationalleader #joy #culture

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