

Being 'In the Conversation'

One Meaningful Conversation

You cannot beat being 'in the conversation' with your people. It takes focus and awareness. then to take the opportunity.

Because you can. Because it makes the difference.

  • To the culture
  • To wellbeing
  • To retention
  • To relationships
  • To awareness

Why wouldn’t you?

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Coaching. It's Such a Great Job!

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Aw. Every day, this job is such a joy 😀

And above all, it means I am not needed, for my client has realised her own potential and will continue to thrive on her own. She may come back one day, to go to the next level, but for right now, she's doing so well, and on her way.

After working together for a few months, I like that she's flying solo ✈️

#coaching #leadership #growth #selfrealisation#achievement #confidence #TheKindLeader

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Overcoming New Role Fears


Here are a few thoughts to alleviate the challenges everyone finds within themselves as they step up to a new responsibility.

Above all, remember, selection processes are, in the main robust enough to see through candidates who aren’t up to it. So, you’ve been chosen for a reason! Trust the process - and build your resilience to the Gremlin who tells you otherwise!

Here are 10 reflections which might help.

  1. Notice Your Successes

Fearing not being up to a promotion can make anyone overlook…

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Camera On Please

Encouraging a team member to keep their camera switched on during a one-on-one Zoom call (other platforms are available!), can help facilitate better communication and strengthen the connection between you.

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The Value of Radical Candor in Feedback

Radical Candor

Feedback is such a gift when given with the interests of the individual in mind.

Kind leaders face into the challenges of giving clear feedback, because the individual will grow from it.

It might not be easy, and yet that leader might be the first one to tell the person, so the gift may well be very valuable indeed.

However, a word of warning. I was once told 'you need to leave this company' by someone I did not trust or respect, so I railed against this 'advice'.

He was right, and later I d…

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Kind Leaders Help Everyone

blue brick

Leadership is not about taking the easy route. It's about being aware of what to do for the best.

Help the quiet ones; the different ones; the thinkers; the excited ones.

The best leaders know how to get the best from everyone in the team, even when they aren't the same as them. That creates a foundation with depth.

#difference #leadership #TheKindLeader #appreciation #understanding #valuing

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Imagine You’re an HR Leader

lightbulb LI

You’ll have a range of different titles, and there may be nuances in the precise role you lead.

At your level, your job will swing from the extremes of long-term strategic thinking and planning, through mid-term issues of structures and new opportunities, to ensuring short-term goals are met.

These will relate to delivering corporate goals, including - but not limited to - financial results, culture, inclusion, engagement, pipeline planning, terms and conditions and more.

You will endeavour t…

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Growth or Fixed Mindset. It IS a Choice.

Growth Mindset Talk

Much is said about the value of a Growth mindset. Each of us has a pre-disposition to Growth or Fixed to a greater or lesser extent.

Growth tends to be valuable as it allows for creativity, Emotional Intelligence and growth in performance.

But if it is not you natural character, you can develop it. And this excellent graphic is a great primer.

Give it a try. Even if you naturally have a greater disposition to Growth, there will be something for you!

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Leadership isn't Fixing, but Supporting

This video says a lot about leadership.

Encouraging from the sidelines. Letting them learn and grow without criticism. Kindness can be tough, and yet is worth it for them. Moving forward together.

I love the metaphor, Victoria Toumit! Thanks for enlightening my Saturday!

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The WRAP on Decision Making

Wrap Decisions Making

I like the thoroughness and simplicity of this technique from ModelThinkers, not to mention the easy-to-remember mnemonic! It covers all the angles you might easily forget. It feels great for team-building in decision making too!

#focus #leadership #teambuilding #decisionmaking #TheKindLeader

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