
Minimising the Urgent in Your Leadership

Getting to the urgent is what matters. Almost nothing should be urgent in the work a leader does. Yet so often, we are driven away from the important to what seems to be urgent.

There are three 'urgents'

  1. Crises - with a modest investment of time, these can be reduced to a trickle
  2. Other people's urgent - saying 'no' to some and 'yes' to others (who offer help), will reduce these to a minimum
  3. Your choices - when you do unproductive work, this is not important, so yes, you can stop

All withi…

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Growth or Fixed Mindset. It IS a Choice.

Growth Mindset Talk

Much is said about the value of a Growth mindset. Each of us has a pre-disposition to Growth or Fixed to a greater or lesser extent.

Growth tends to be valuable as it allows for creativity, Emotional Intelligence and growth in performance.

But if it is not you natural character, you can develop it. And this excellent graphic is a great primer.

Give it a try. Even if you naturally have a greater disposition to Growth, there will be something for you!

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Leadership isn't Fixing, but Supporting

This video says a lot about leadership.

Encouraging from the sidelines. Letting them learn and grow without criticism. Kindness can be tough, and yet is worth it for them. Moving forward together.

I love the metaphor, Victoria Toumit! Thanks for enlightening my Saturday!

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The WRAP on Decision Making

Wrap Decisions Making

I like the thoroughness and simplicity of this technique from ModelThinkers, not to mention the easy-to-remember mnemonic! It covers all the angles you might easily forget. It feels great for team-building in decision making too!

#focus #leadership #teambuilding #decisionmaking #TheKindLeader

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Great Leaders Learn from Others - Even the Bad Stuff!

learn from mistakes

Remember, when you are leader, and your boss isn't that great (happens sometimes, right?), what an opportunity to learn what NOT to do in your leadership of your own people.

It might be uncomfortable to experience, but what a chance to learn from others.

#TheKindLeader #growth #leadership #supportive #learnfromexperince#leadershipdevelopment #TheKindLeaderProgram

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Unavailable Options from Seth Godin

In this tiny post from Seth Godin - which is well worth the read - I'm reminded of the value of just asking the question. When you don't, you're guaranteed not to get something extra.

When you do, you never know.

I love this whole concept and, as long as you aren’t attached to an expectation, just occasionally, magic happens!

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The What and the How of It


Even when your organisational culture is less than kind, supportive and encouraging, you can set your own standards and create your team microculture within an unsatisfactory world.

It might not be easy. It might require some careful navigation. And when you do this, you will remain in control of what you can control. Your people will be engaged, motivated and appreciate what they can control too - a valuable lesson for their future career.

You have to deliver the 'what' of results in this world s…

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There's Always Change

change boots

New walking boots. I walk quite regularly, so getting new boots is a bit of a worry (keeping life in context, only a BIT of a worry).

We absorb small changes into our lives every day. At first, new boots feel a bit odd as I make sure they’ll do the job. And soon I’ll forget they’re new.

If you think about it, we absorb change all the time. Even those big changes are not so daunting, looking back.

When we take control and get perspective over changes, even those imposed on us, we feel all the bett…

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The Value of Letting Go

cannot chage let go

There are things we can change or influence. There are also things we cannot.

When we spend time in the space of things we cannot change, we are either venting and showing our frustration and anger - neither of which are valuable things to waste our energies on (well, not longer than a minute or two at most!).

Or we are externalising blame for something we could do something about, but it would require us to make a significant effort to stare into something almost too challenging.

Let go of w…

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You Control Your Team Microculture

Even when your organisational culture is less than kind, supportive and encouraging, you can set your own standards and create your team microculture within an unsatisfactory world.

It might not be easy. It might require some careful navigation. And when you do this, you will remain in control of what you can control. Your people will be engaged, motivated and appreciate what they can control too - a valuable lesson for their future career.

You have to deliver the 'what' of results in this world s…

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